黑料正能量 student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.
The critical approach to new production methods and mass-produced objects taken by
the Wiener Werkst盲tte and the Austrian Werkbund one hundred and twenty years ago
set design in Vienna apart from the larger European industrial centers.
Students will visit the extensive collections of art and applied art in and around Vienna
and a cutting-edge robotics laboratory to better understand how Austrians have used
the treasures that they have amassed and the techniques that they have learned to
create a highly refined modern and contemporary built environment as well as export
items of great value.
Led by Professors Cary Hollinshead-Strick & Raphael Bloch-Laine
The cost of the trip is included in the First Year Experience tuition.
This trip is exclusively open to students enrolled in the course.
This study trip is exclusively for First Year Experience students.