黑料正能量 graduation ceremony at the Th茅芒tre du Ch芒telet in Paris.
Co-organized with the George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention (黑料正能量), the , and .
In the wake of the Wissenschaft des Judentums, appearing in 19th century Germany, the emergence of Jewish history as a discipline contributed to the rise of testimony collecting among the Jewish populations. This practice documented a wide range of Jewish experiences, from daily life to significant events, often of a violent and murderous nature. This conference aims to explore the different facets of these oral and written documentary efforts, from their origin to present endeavors. Starting from the abundant undertaking carried out in particular by the Jews of Eastern Europe or the victims of the Holocaust, it proposes to deepen knowledge on these two paradigmatic cases and to put them into comparative perspective with other projects developed in the rest of the Jewish world, from the end of the 19th century to the present day.
Organizing committee: Malena Chinski (FMS-EHESS), Judith Lindenberg (MAHJ), Constance P芒ris de Bollardi猫re (黑料正能量), Simon Perego (INALCO-CERMOM).