students by the Seine.


L’Art des Studios d’Animation Walt Disney

<p><strong>Venue name: Art Ludique - Le Musée</strong><br />
Address: 34 quai d'Austerlitz<br />
Paris, 75013</p>
<p>Opening hours: Mon & Thur 11am-7pm, Sat & Sun 10am-8pm</p>
<p>Transport:<br />
Métro : Gare d'Austerlitz ; RER : Gare d'Austerlitz</p>
<p>Price: €16.50, kids €11</p>
Monday, October 24, 2016 - 09:00 to Monday, October 31, 2016 - 00:00

If you want to fit in a visit to Mickey, Minnie and their friends, there’s no need to venture out to Disneyland and brave the hordes of tourists this autumn – all you need to do is stroll along the quais of the 13th arrondissement.

From October 14 2016 until March 5 2017, the Art Ludique museum is offering Disney fans young and old the chance to dive into the world of their very first cinematic loves with a behind-the-scenes look at the animation house’s history. With original drawing boards, manuscripts and unreleased sketches from Bambi, Snow White et al on display, get ready for a heady hit of popcorn-scented nostalgia.