student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.


Undergraduate Student Government Elections

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 00:00 to Friday, September 16, 2016 - 00:00

SGA elections for Fall 2016 have opened!We’re looking to fill senate positions as well as a full Graduate Student Council.The SGA senate is responsible for delegating our €100,000 budget each year to deserving students, clubs, and initiatives around campus.Please note that senate meetsevery Wednesday from12:10 to 13:30, so your availability at this time is required.

The following positions are open:

Film Department Representative Economics Department Representative Computer Science, Math and Science Representative Freshman Class Representative Sophomore Class Representative Junior Class Representative Senior Class Representative Visiting Student Class Representative For Graduate Student Council (GSC) GSC President GSC Vice President GSC Communications Director GSC Social Director MAIA MSIM MIN MADIL

If you are thinking of applying it is highly recommended that you attend the Senate meeting on Wednesday September 7/14th to get a feel for the environment and ask any questions you may have about the positions.
If you're interested in applying to run for any of the positions listed above, you may apply here.

Important Dates:

Applications close: September 11 at 17:00 Speech Night: September 13th Voting opens: September 13th Voting ends and results announced: September 16th