graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

The Slosberg Lecture Series for Social Justice presents Molly Melching

University Room: David T. McGovern Grand Salon (C-104)
6 rue du Colonel Combes, Paris, 75007
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 17:00

As part of the Slosberg Lecture Series for Social Justice, Molly Melching will speak about her New York Times best-selling book However Long the Night.

The 2010 recipient for the , moved to Senegal in 1974 as an exchange student and stayed on to work in community development. She realized over time that development programs failed to achieve real transformation, and to last, because they were built around foreign concepts of development, rather than the communities’ own perceptions and wishes. She founded Tostan in 1991 to advance a community empowerment program built on respectful engagement of village members, work with traditional learning methods in local languages, and facilitating community ownership of the development process. By engaging communities in exciting, inspiring explorations of their human rights and their power to improve their own health and well-being, Molly and Tostan have helped to bring about something once thought impossible: public declarations by thousands of villages to support human rights and abandon practices such as female genital cutting.

Please login in to the website with your NetID and sign up for this event using the form below. The lecture will be followed by a cocktail reception.