Students on a theater trip in Iceland.
Mounira Chatti is a professor at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne.
She is the author of "La fiction h茅r茅tique. Arab and Francophone literary creations in the land of Islam" (Classiques Garnier, 2016), "Translation as an experience of limits. Les 茅critures franco-arabes" (PUB, 2016).
She co-edited "Litt茅ratures du monde arabe : traduction, intertextualit茅, exil" (Marsa-A Publications, 2020), "Litt茅ratures plein Suds. Langues, histoire, m茅moire" (Marsa-A Publications, 2015), "Sexe, genre, identit茅" (L'Harmattan, 2013), "Femmes et cr茅ation" (L'Amandier, 2012).
She has published over 40 articles. She is also the author of a novel, "Sous les pas des m猫res" (L'Amandier, 2009).
Her research articulates a theoretical side - the study of translation issues, representations and, more broadly, the production of knowledge - and a practical side - the study of multilingual texts from the Arab worlds (and diasporas). She attempts to decentralize and decompartmentalize literary studies by emphasizing the perspectives offered by comparatism, translation, plurilingualism...
Her talk will be in French.
R茅sum茅 (translation below):
Les d茅cennies qui suivent la publication d鈥"Orientalism" (1978), qui s鈥檈st impos茅 comme un nouveau paradigme, sont jalonn茅es de prises de position pro-sa茂diennes ou anti-sa茂diennes. 脌 ce propos, les auteurs de l鈥檕uvrage collectif" Apr猫s l鈥橭rientalisme. "L鈥橭rient cr茅茅 par l鈥橭rient" (2011) plaident en faveur d鈥檜n nouvel orientalisme et insistent sur la n茅cessit茅 de 芦 revenir aux principaux int茅ress茅s, membres des soci茅t茅s locales 禄 comme interlocuteurs, de 芦 rendre aux histoires, aux lieux, aux faits, toute leur diversit茅 禄, de 芦 rendre l鈥橭rient (pluriel) aux Orientaux 禄.
L鈥櫭﹖ude de la cr茅ation litt茅raire des 茅crivains et intellectuels voyageurs ou exil茅s permettra de mettre en relief une pens茅e et un regard interculturels entre Occident et Orient.
Au-del脿 de tout binarisme Orient/Occident, il s鈥檃git de penser l鈥檋ybridit茅 et le d茅centrement des auteurs issus des mondes arabes, de rendre compte de la richesse de la mati猫re orientale ou occidentale, de montrer la diversit茅 des repr茅sentations et des points de vue, de mettre en relief les lieux de la rencontre.
The decades following the publication of "Orientalism" (1978), which established a new paradigm, were marked by pro- and anti-Sa茂d positions. In this regard, the authors of the collective work "After Orientalism. The Orient created by the Orient" (2011) argue in favor of a new Orientalism and insist on the need to "return to the principal interested parties, the members of local societies" as interlocutors, in order to "give back their whole diversity to the histories, the places, the facts ", to "return the (plural) Orient to the Orientals".
The study of the literary creation of those traveling or exiled writers and intellectuals, will enable us to develop an intercultural mode of thinking and looking situated in-between and beyond any East/West binarism. What is at stake then is to show how those Arabic authors make use of the rich material, the diversity of representations and points of view, and the places where both worlds meet.