graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

Lecture by Jean-Michel Rabaté ‘Think, Pig! And the Pathos of the Moderns’

University Room: David T. McGovern Grand Salon (C-104)
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - 18:00 to 20:00

For many recent and contemporary writers, among whom Samuel Beckett, the motto of the 17th-century Flemish philosopher Arnold Geulincx’s has held true: "Where your value is nothing, you will want nothing.” But how can this "nothing" be made productive? at the University of Pennsylvania, will try to answer this question, referring to his two forthcoming books: one on Beckett, philosophy, and the limits of the human; the other on the concept of distance and its consequences for the affects of modernism.